A Binding Contract | Dungeon | 60 | Both | 950 XP | Blackrock Depths |
A Broken Trap | Dungeon | 56 | Both | | Dire Maul |
A Crumpled Up Note | Dungeon | 50 | Alliance | 900 XP | Blackrock Depths |
A Fine Mess | Dungeon | 20 | Both | 370 XP | Gnomeregan |
A Host of Evil | Dungeon | 28 | Both | 410 XP | Razorfen Downs |
A Royal Escort | Dungeon | 78 | Both | 44100 XP | The Culling of Stratholme |
A Score to Settle | Dungeon | 68 | Horde | 6050 XP | Utgarde Keep |
A Shred of Hope | Dungeon | 50 | Alliance | 1350 XP | Blackrock Depths |
A Taste of Flame | Dungeon | 52 | Both | 1350 XP | Blackrock Depths |
A Unified Front | Dungeon | 77 | Both | 44100 XP | The Oculus |
A Wing and a Prayer | Dungeon | 77 | Both | 44100 XP | The Oculus |
Abandoned Hope | Dungeon | 48 | Alliance | 800 XP | Blackrock Depths |
Above and Beyond | Dungeon | 55 | Both | 1450 XP | Stratholme |
All Things in Good Time | Daily Heroic | 80 | Both | 33100 XP | Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom |
Allegiance to the Old Gods | Dungeon | 17 | Horde | 320 XP | Blackfathom Deeps |
Allegiance to the Old Gods | Dungeon | 17 | Horde | 130 XP | Blackfathom Deeps |
Amongst the Ruins | Dungeon | 21 | Horde | 330 XP | Blackfathom Deeps |
An Unholy Alliance | Dungeon | 28 | Horde | 525 XP | Razorfen Downs |
An Unholy Alliance | Dungeon | 28 | Horde | 525 XP | Razorfen Downs |
An Unholy Alliance | Dungeon | 28 | Horde | 525 XP | Razorfen Downs |
An Unholy Alliance | Dungeon | 28 | Horde | 525 XP | Razorfen Downs |
Anthion's Old Friend | Dungeon | 58 | Both | 950 XP | Dire Maul |
Anthion's Parting Words | Dungeon | 58 | Both | 950 XP | Dire Maul |
Arcane Refreshment | Dungeon | 60 | Both | | Dire Maul |
Arugal Must Die | Dungeon | 18 | Horde | 330 XP | Shadowfang Keep |
Auchindoun... | Dungeon | 66 | Horde | 2400 XP | Auchenai Crypts |
Aurius' Reckoning | Dungeon | 55 | Both | 1450 XP | Stratholme |
Barov Family Fortune | Dungeon | 52 | Alliance | 1450 XP | Scholomance |
Barov Family Fortune | Dungeon | 52 | Horde | 1450 XP | Scholomance |
Betina Bigglezink | Dungeon | 57 | Both | 240 XP | Scholomance |
Bijou's Belongings | Dungeon | 55 | Alliance | 1400 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Bijou's Belongings | Dungeon | 55 | Horde | 1400 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Bijou's Reconnaissance Report | Dungeon | 55 | Horde | 925 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Blackfathom Villainy | Dungeon | 18 | Horde | 330 XP | Blackfathom Deeps |
Blackfathom Villainy | Dungeon | 18 | Alliance | 330 XP | Blackfathom Deeps |
Blackhand's Command | Dungeon | 55 | Both | 1450 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Blood of the Black Dragon Champion | Raid | 55 | Horde | 1450 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Bring Me A Shrubbery! | Dungeon | 63 | Both | 2200 XP | The Underbog |
Bring Me Another Shrubbery! | Dungeon | 63 | Both | | The Underbog |
Bring the End | Dungeon | 33 | Horde | 550 XP | Razorfen Downs |
Bring the Light | Dungeon | 32 | Alliance | 550 XP | Razorfen Downs |
Camp Mojache | Dungeon | 54 | Horde | 220 XP | Dire Maul |
Castpipe's Task | Dungeon | 25 | Alliance | 25 XP | Gnomeregan |
Champion No More | | 70 | Both | | undefined |
Champion's Covenant | | 70 | Both | 1600 XP | undefined |
Champion's Oath | | 70 | Both | 1600 XP | undefined |
Champion's Pledge | | 70 | Both | 1250 XP | undefined |
Champion's Vow | | 70 | Both | 1600 XP | undefined |
Chief Engineer Scooty | Dungeon | 20 | Horde | 35 XP | Gnomeregan |
Cleansing Drak'Tharon | Dungeon | 73 | Both | 31450 XP | Drak'Tharon Keep |
Codex of Defense | Dungeon | 54 | Both | 1450 XP | Dire Maul |
Collecting Memories | | 14 | Alliance | 140 XP | The Deadmines |
Commander Gor'shak | Dungeon | 48 | Horde | 1100 XP | Blackrock Depths |
Compendium of the Fallen | Dungeon | 28 | Horde | 575 XP | Scarlet Monastery |
Containment | Dungeon | 75 | Both | 42800 XP | The Violet Hold |
Corruption of Earth and Seed | Dungeon | 45 | Alliance | 1050 XP | Maraudon |
Corruption of Earth and Seed | Dungeon | 45 | Horde | 1050 XP | Maraudon |
Crime and Punishment | Dungeon | 22 | Alliance | 320 XP | The Stockade |
DEPRECATED Karazhan: LAB - E - Exalted Ring - Caster | | 70 | Both | 1600 XP | undefined |
Dark Iron Legacy | Dungeon | 48 | Both | 1100 XP | Blackrock Depths |
Dark Iron Legacy | Dungeon | 48 | Both | 75 XP | Blackrock Depths |
Data Rescue | Dungeon | 25 | Alliance | 370 XP | Gnomeregan |
Dawn's Gambit | Dungeon | 57 | Both | 1450 XP | Scholomance |
Dead Man's Plea | Dungeon | 58 | Both | 1200 XP | Stratholme |
Deathstalkers in Shadowfang | Dungeon | 18 | Horde | 310 XP | Shadowfang Keep |
Defender No More | | 70 | Both | | undefined |
Defender's Covenant | | 70 | Both | 1600 XP | undefined |
Defender's Oath | | 70 | Both | 1600 XP | undefined |
Defender's Pledge | | 70 | Both | 1250 XP | undefined |
Defender's Vow | | 70 | Both | 1600 XP | undefined |
Delivery to Ridgewell | | 57 | Alliance | 950 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Deviate Eradication | Dungeon | 15 | Both | 250 XP | Wailing Caverns |
Deviate Hides | Dungeon | 13 | Both | 190 XP | Wailing Caverns |
Diametrically Opposed | Dungeon | 77 | Both | 44100 XP | Halls of Lightning |
Disarmament | Dungeon | 68 | Horde | 8050 XP | Utgarde Keep |
Disarmament | Dungeon | 68 | Alliance | 8050 XP | Utgarde Keep |
Discretion is Key | Dungeon | 75 | Both | 2150 XP | The Violet Hold |
Disharmony of Fire | Dungeon | 48 | Horde | 1250 XP | Blackrock Depths |
Dispelling Illusions | Dungeon | 78 | Both | 44100 XP | The Culling of Stratholme |
Divino-matic Rod | Dungeon | 40 | Both | 900 XP | Zul'Farrak |
Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher | Dungeon | 55 | Both | 1450 XP | Scholomance |
Doomrigger's Clasp | Raid | 57 | Alliance | 1450 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Drakefire Amulet | Raid | 50 | Alliance | 1450 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Egg Collection | Raid | 57 | Both | 1450 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Egg Freezing | Raid | 57 | Both | 1450 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Elven Legends | Dungeon | 54 | Alliance | 1450 XP | Dire Maul |
Elven Legends | Dungeon | 54 | Horde | 1450 XP | Dire Maul |
En-Ay-Es-Tee-Why | Dungeon | 55 | Both | 1400 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Entry Into Karazhan | Dungeon | 68 | Both | 2550 XP | Shadow Labyrinth |
Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream | | 60 | Both | 950 XP | Sunken Temple |
Escape from Durnholde | Dungeon | 66 | Both | 2400 XP | undefined |
Essential Artificials | Dungeon | 24 | Alliance | 370 XP | Gnomeregan |
Everything Will Be Alright | Dungeon | 64 | Both | 2350 XP | Auchenai Crypts |
Extinguishing the Idol | Dungeon | 32 | Both | 550 XP | Razorfen Downs |
Failed Incursion | | 62 | Both | 110 XP | undefined |
Falrin's Vendetta | Dungeon | 58 | Both | 950 XP | Dire Maul |
Feathermoon Stronghold | Dungeon | 54 | Alliance | 220 XP | Dire Maul |
Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service! | Dungeon | 57 | Both | 950 XP | Blackrock Spire |
For The Horde! | Raid | 55 | Horde | 1450 XP | Blackrock Spire |
Foror's Compendium | Dungeon | 60 | Both | 1450 XP | Dire Maul |